Sunday 19 June 2016


JS Collyer, Zero (Nottingham, 2014).

I have developed the (bad?) habit of posting about a book while still reading it for the first time. Not only is this easy and enjoyable but it also means that, instead of reading an entire text, then writing a single review of it, I stay with the text for several posts, focus on details that might otherwise have been missed and ask questions that might be answered by further reading.

In Zero, what is the spaceships' means of propulsion? So far, the text has focused on space combat, criminal activity and undercover work, not (as yet) on explaining the hardware - but there is plenty of time for that.

Zero is not set tomorrow or the day after but further in the future. There has been time for:

artificial gravity;
cities with "spacescrapers" on the Moon;
a Lunar Revolution.

The tech includes "'...gravgen units.'" (pp. 30-31) Gravity generation? Are the ships propelled by artificially generated gravity fields? Further reading will tell.


  1. Kaor, Paul!

    I only wish we had colonies on the Moon large enough to be cities! And a revolution on the Moon reminded me of Robert Heinlein's THE MOON IS A HARSH MISTRESS, also about a revolt on the Moon. MOON is almost the only one of RAH's later books I consider interesting. Tho even it is marred by his wearisome obsessions about sex.


  2. Sean,
    Thank you for commenting on the Science Fiction blog.

    1. Kaor, Paul!

      Anytime! I need to glance over your SF blog more often!

