Sunday, 29 September 2019

Heinlein And Anderson: A Brief Comparison

Heinlein's Future History and the first of Anderson's several future histories could each be collected in two omnibus volumes. See here.

Each wrote three circular causality narratives. However, Anderson also wrote a time travel series that is complete in two long volumes and enough time travel short stories for a further collection.

Heinlein wrote more juvenile sf but Anderson wrote in several genres.

Heinlein's writing deteriorated badly whereas Anderson's remained creative and innovative into the twenty first century.


  1. Kaor, Paul!

    You are right that Anderson wrote relatively few SF juveniles. I think VAULT OF THE AGES was his only juvenile NOVEL, while he did write a fair number of juvenile short STORIES. Mostly for the periodical BOYS' LIFE.

    Oh, boy! Heinlein's decline as a writer was catastrophic and painful to see when you compare his last interesting pre STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND book, STARSHIP TROOPERS, with each other. I still remember how disappointed I was by I WILL FEAR NO EVIL, a fascinating premise and beginning--but the book was ruined by Heinlein's peculiar sexual obsessions. Post STRANGER, the only Heinlein book I found interesting was THE MOON IS A HARSH MISTRESS.

    Ditto, what you said about Anderson's works in his old age.

    Ad astra! Sean

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